Geek Beekeeping: Part 1.1 – Hardware Components
If you’re a computer geek, you know what every piece of hardware is for, where it goes, and when it needs to be replaced.
If you’re a beekeeper, you know what every piece of hardware is for, where it goes, and when it needs to be replaced.
Coincidence? I think not.
The Honeydoodles IT department takes the comparison between a properly functioning computer and a queen-right beehive and turns it up to 11 in our high-tech Geek’s Guide to Beekeeping series.
After all – a system is a system, right? You set up the hardware, install the software and you’re good to go.
The Geek’s Guide to Beekeeping Part 1.1 – Hardware Components, takes a closer look at the bits and pieces that make up a typical beehive running the “Apis mellifera” operating system.
If you’re a beekeeper – the pictures make sense. If you’re a geek – the text labels make sense.
If you’re a beekeeper AND a geek, you need this T-shirt.
The 5-Part Geek’s Guide to Beekeeping series is available in two colour options for printing on light or dark backgrounds.
Visit the Honeydoodles Store>>Geek’s Guide to Beekeeping category to see the full range of unique products for beekeeping computer geeks.